The Most Common Sickness in Dogs: Symptoms and Treatment
Dogs are the most wonderful and the most loving creature on this planet. But as a dog parent or dog owner, you will have to face one of the biggest issues - common sickness in dogs. So how to identify and treat those dog illnesses with which your canine kids and friends are going through? This article is for your help.
Wheezing in dogs
Does your dog make a whistling sound while breathing? If yes, this is known as wheezing and it is important to notice if that whistling sound is for the short or the long period. If your dog is suffering from wheezing for a short period of time, then it is not an emergency but when it has been there for a while, it might be dangerous for the dog's health. Wheezing can cause Heartworm disease, airborne allergens, congestive heart failure, foreign bodies may enter in a dog's airway, which may lead to tracheal collapse.
- Constant whistling sound in breathing - Whistling sound while sleeping
- Difficulty in breathing
- Coughing and labored
As discussed above, wheezing can happen due to certain illnesses. The first and foremost step is to identify what your pet is suffering from.
- Foreign bodies can be transferred by chewing certain things and the best way to treat it is to take your dog to a diagnosis center. You should also trace everything you can that they chewed on the day they started wheezing.
- Heartworm diseases can be treated by giving three rounds of injections to kill the worms inside and strict cage rest. In severe cases, surgeries are also performed to remove the worms from the heart.
- Airborne allergens can be treated with a little avoidance from house dust, grass, weed, etc. Some tropical therapy can also help in these cases.
- Congestive heart failure can be cured with proper medications, diet, and regular exercise schedules.
- Tracheal collapse is treated by medication and a designed exercise regimen. But in severe cases, a stent is put with the help of surgery to open the trachea.
Irregular bowel movement or difficulty in passing the stool can result in constipation in dogs. The stool passed by the pet can be hard, dry, and in the shape of little pebbles. Constipation is usually a common puppy sickness because small dogs do not drink enough water.
- Irregular bowel movement from 2 or more days. - Vomiting
- Decrease of appetite
- Hard to pass the stool
- Constipation sicknesses in dogs can be treated by hydration. You can make sure your dog is maintaining a proper water intake per day.
- Movement can also help! Take your dog for nice long walks and runs. These activities will additionally increase their thirst too for better and unforceful liquid intake.
- Performing enemas under vets’ supervision will also help in the worst scenarios.
Ear yeast infection
If your pooch is trying to scratch its ear or rub its head, then there is a possibility of overgrowth of yeast. Sometimes it could be a bacterial infection too but in most cases, it is an ear yeast infection. Luckily, these ear yeast infections take place on the outer ear so it is easy to detect. This sickness in dogs is associated with allergies, bacterial infections, ruptured eardrums, etc.
- Red ear
- A musty smell is coming from the ear - Scratching and pawing at the ear
- Red or brown wax
- Cleaning your dog’s ear every day or on alternative days with a vet's prescribed medicinal cleanser can help to get rid of the infection.
- Applying topical ointment or cream after consulting the vet also helps in curing dog sickness.
- If the condition gets worse, then vet might insist to do surgery and for chronic problems special ear drying solutions can be used on the pets.
If you, as a caretaker of your pet, fail to feed a proper diet to your dog and do not follow the proper exercising and walking schedule of your pet, the chances are 80% that your pet falls under the circumstance of obesity. Dogs are innocent, they don't have human-like brains and so it is the owner who must make a healthier lifestyle for their pet from the puppy stage itself.
- Not easily feeling or seeing the dog's body parts like ribs, waistline, and spine.
- All-day long laziness and tiredness - Excessive panting
- Gaining weight regularly
- Just like humans, calorie deficit and more body movement will be the most effective ones. Ask your vet about the perfect portion size and nutrition.
- Exercising and playing will help to make your dog and even you more active, energetic, physically and mentally fit. Find some games that you both like together. Go to public parks where your dog can play with other kids and people too.
- Eating slow bowls will help to reduce your dog's eating speed. This will help to reduce weight and decrease the unnecessary appetite of your dog.
- Remember, your lifestyle can also be your dog’s lifestyle. Make yourself healthy for your dog.
Dog Oral Diseases
At the age of two or three, up to 80 to 90% of the dogs go through a certain kind of oral disease and the most common one is gum disease. The dog's mouth is infected by bacterial infection, which is known as periodontal disease. The reason for dog oral disease is age, and the second factor is not paying enough attention to dental grooming. These dental diseases are painful and irritating for your canine friends. Small breed dogs are likely to catch oral dog diseases faster.
-Bad breath
- Bleeding and red gums
- Excessive drooling and yellow or brownish teeth
- Blood on chewing toys or bleeding while chewing
- Scheduled visits to dental doctors can help to prevent oral dog diseases like these.
- Regular dog dental grooming by experts like at Pawnanny is helpful.
- Regular brushing of their teeth and giving them dental chews and specialized dental dog food can also help to reverse dog disease.
Final Words
Dogs are our best friends and make us happy no matter what - but they also need special attention for their health. We understand that it may not be possible in this busy day-to-day life to give time for any working individual. Therefore, we recommend hiring a nanny for your paw friend who is not only an expert but treats them like their own. Here at Pawnnany, your pet will get all the love and care they deserve. Our vet techs also provide all these services at exciting and affordable prices.
At Pawnanny, you can choose from our pet care services in Fairfax, pet care services in Loudoun, pet care services in Prince William, pet care services in Arlington, pet care services in Virginia, pet care services in Montgomery, and pet care services in Maryland.