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Australian Kingparrot

Australian Kingparrot

Scientific Name: Alisterus Scapularis

Flock Members: Upto 10 members

Size: 17-18 inches
Weight: 7.8-8 ounces

Lifespan: 15-25 years

A.K.A.: Kingparrot 



The Australian King Parrot (Alisterus scapularis) is a stunning bird known for its vibrant plumage and fascinating behaviors.


Australian King Parrots are generally social birds, often found in pairs or small family groups. They are typically seen in forested areas, woodlands, and gardens across eastern Australia. These parrots are diurnal, meaning they are active during the day. Australian King Parrots primarily feed on fruits, seeds, nuts, and berries. They have a strong beak designed for cracking open hard shells. They may also feed on blossoms, nectar, and leaf buds. These parrots are known to visit backyard bird feeders if provided with suitable food.


During the breeding season, which typically occurs from September to February, male Australian King Parrots display vibrant colors to attract mates. Males have bright red heads and chests, while females have more subdued plumage with a green head and back. They build their nests in tree hollows and lay clutches of 3-6 eggs. Both parents participate in incubation and caring for the hatchlings. Australian King Parrots have a variety of vocalizations, including loud screeches and calls. They use these calls to communicate within their flock, establish territory, and during courtship displays.


These parrots are excellent flyers, known for their agile and graceful flight. They are capable of flying long distances, often in a direct and swift manner. Their long tail feathers assist in steering and maneuverability. Australian King Parrots are generally approachable and may visit gardens and parks where they become accustomed to human presence. However, they are still wild animals and should be admired from a respectful distance.



The Australian King Parrot (Alisterus scapularis) has a rich history intertwined with the diverse ecosystems of Australia. The Australian King Parrot holds cultural significance for many Aboriginal communities across Australia. They feature in traditional Dreamtime stories and are often depicted in indigenous artwork, symbolizing beauty, freedom, and the natural world.


European explorers and settlers first encountered Australian King Parrots during their expeditions in the late 18th and early 19th centuries. These encounters sparked interest and admiration for the bird's striking appearance. Australian King Parrots are endemic to eastern Australia, primarily inhabiting forests, woodlands, and rainforests. They are found along the east coast, from Queensland to Victoria and as far west as South Australia. Historical records suggest they have maintained their range throughout history, with fluctuations due to habitat changes.


The Australian King Parrot is currently listed as a species of Least Concern by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). However, habitat loss, deforestation, and climate change pose threats to their populations. Efforts are underway to protect their habitats, promote conservation awareness, and ensure their long-term survival. Australian King Parrots are admired for their vibrant plumage and are often kept as pets or exhibited in aviaries around the world. However, it's essential to prioritize responsible ownership and avoid supporting illegal wildlife trade.


The historical journey of the Australian King Parrot showcases its cultural significance, natural beauty, and the ongoing need for conservation efforts to preserve its habitat and ensure the species' survival for future generations.



Breeding is a vital aspect of the life cycle of Australian King Parrots (Alisterus scapularis). The breeding season for Australian King Parrots typically occurs from September to February, aligning with the warmer months and availability of food resources.


Male Australian King Parrots engage in elaborate courtship displays to attract females. They showcase their vibrant plumage, especially the bright red head and chest, while fluttering their wings and making vocalizations. These displays are intended to signal their fitness and attract a mate. Once a male successfully courts a female, they form a monogamous pair bond that typically lasts for the breeding season or longer. The pair engages in various bonding behaviors such as mutual preening and close proximity.


Australian King Parrots nest in tree hollows, typically in eucalyptus or other suitable tree species. Both the male and female participate in excavating and preparing the nest cavity. They line the nest with leaves and other soft materials to create a cozy environment for the eggs. The female lays a clutch of 3-6 white, oval-shaped eggs. Both parents take turns incubating the eggs, which typically lasts for around 20-21 days. During this period, the male often provides food to the female while she remains in the nest.


After the eggs hatch, both parents participate in feeding and caring for the hatchlings. They regurgitate partially digested food to feed the young, gradually introducing them to solid foods as they grow. The fledging period lasts for about 4-5 weeks, after which the young birds become independent.


The breeding process of Australian King Parrots highlights their monogamous behavior, shared parental responsibilities, and the importance of suitable nesting habitats for successful reproduction.


Food & Nutrition

The Australian King Parrot (Alisterus scapularis) has a varied diet consisting of fruits, seeds, nuts, berries, blossoms, nectar, and leaf buds. Australian King Parrots consume a wide range of fruits, including apples, pears, cherries, and various native fruits such as lilly pilly and mistletoe berries. They use their strong beak to crack open the fruits and extract the seeds. Seeds from native trees like eucalyptus and casuarina are also part of their diet.


During the flowering season, Australian King Parrots feed on nectar and blossoms from various plants. They use their brush-tipped tongue to lap up the sweet liquid from flowers such as banksias, grevilleas, and bottlebrushes. These parrots may also nibble on leaf buds and tender vegetation, especially during certain times of the year when other food sources may be limited.


In some cases, Australian King Parrots may visit backyard bird feeders and consume specially formulated seed mixes, cracked nuts, or fruits provided by humans. However, it's important to offer a balanced diet and avoid feeding them foods that are harmful to their health, such as avocados, chocolate, and high-salt or sugary snacks.


The diverse diet of the Australian King Parrot ensures they obtain the necessary nutrients, vitamins, and minerals for their overall health and well-being. Their feeding habits also play a role in seed dispersal, promoting the growth and diversity of plant species in their habitat.



In the wild, Australian King Parrots are primarily observed in their natural habitat, which includes forests, woodlands, and rainforests across eastern Australia. They play a crucial ecological role by dispersing seeds as they feed on fruits and seeds. Their vibrant plumage and graceful flight make them a delightful sight for birdwatchers and nature enthusiasts. Observing them in the wild allows for a deeper appreciation of their natural behaviors and interactions with the ecosystem. It's important to maintain a respectful distance and avoid disturbing or interfering with their natural behaviours to ensure their well-being and conservation.


As pets, Australian King Parrots are occasionally kept as pets due to their stunning appearance and relatively calm temperament. However, it's important to note that they have specific care requirements. Providing a spacious cage or aviary, with ample room for flight and exercise, is essential. A varied diet consisting of fruits, vegetables, high-quality pellets, and occasional treats is necessary for their nutritional needs. Regular social interaction, mental stimulation, and opportunities for flight should be provided to ensure their well-being. It's crucial to obtain pet birds from reputable breeders to avoid supporting illegal wildlife trade. Prospective pet owners should also research local regulations regarding the keeping of native bird species.


Whether appreciated in the wild or as a pet, the Australian King Parrot captivates with its striking colors and behaviors, reminding us of the beauty and diversity of Australia's avian fauna. For more information, visit

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