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Bavarian Mountain Scent Hound

Group: Hound

Size: 18-26 inches

Weight: 45-70 pounds

Hypoallergenic: No

Lifespan: 10-12 years



The Bavarian Mountain Scent Hound is an active and persistent hunting dog that helps humans in hunting and going over rough mountain country. In terms of work, they are hunting dogs with high prey drive and persistence in tracking. They are dogged hunters following a single line of pursuit. These dogs are very loyal and affectionate to their master and are naturally inclined to obedience. They are friendly and lovable pets at home, reported to accompany their master from one room to the other.


Like most scent hounds, the Bavarian Mountain Scent Hounds are vocal and often bark in a ringing tone when tracking. They have a very loud barking tendency, which must be subdued inside the compound and around the neighbors. This highly intelligent but rather stubborn breed requires proper socialization, basic obedience training, and Pet Anal Gland Expression Services. When properly led and exercised, these dogs are excellent as hunting animals and loving companions. The breed is lively, playful, and friendly to children and other dogs but may show aggression if not properly introduced.



The Bavarian Mountain ScentHound is an ancient German breed used for hunting mountain games and includes deer, fox, and wild boar. The breed was developed in the early 19th century in the south of Germany, especially in the Bavarian mountains. These dogs were bred as working scent hounds, whose primary purpose was their excellent olfactory sense and durability when hunting over difficult alpine terrains. They were used a lot by German nobility and royal families who often went hunting in the Bavarian Alps. Reproductive isolation over generations created a dog that can cope with harsh terrains, traverse snow and rocky surfaces, and have great tracking instincts.


At the end of the nineteenth century, the first breed standard was promulgated by the Deutsche in 1912, which formally established some of the breed's characteristic physical features and behavioral attributes. Nevertheless, the population of the Bavarian Mountain ScentHound reduced significantly after the First and the Second World Wars because of no breeding taking place. However, many people cared about the breed and tried to bring it to life and make it more numerous. Today, these scent hounds are not widely spread outside Germany, yet in their native area, they are highly appreciated for their ability to track an injured quarry across great distances in the alpine territories.


Looks and Health

The Bavarian Mountain Scent Hound is a solid-built, medium-sized hunting dog with a waterproof coat for mountainous regions. It stands at about 55-75 cm tall and has a short, dense tan or red-brown coat with a black saddle and mask. They have a pendant, triangular ears, and intelligent, alert eyes. The tail is bushy and held high or slightly above the back level. This breed has a large and strong structure, measures 18 to 21 inches at the shoulder, and weighs 40-51 pounds. It is designed for endurance and stamina and can move over rough terrains such as mountains while tracking game over long distances. It has cat-like feet with arched toes to provide balance and sure-footedness.


In general, the Bavarian Mountain Scent Hound is a healthy breed, although certain lines may be more susceptible to hip or elbow dysplasia. Selective breeding will ensure that breeding pairs do not have these joint problems that affect the breeds. Other not-so-frequent health issues may be ear infections, stomach bloating, and eye conditions such as entropion or ectropion.



The Bavarian Mountain Scent Hound is a working breed dog that requires a lot of daily exercise and has a high daily activity level. Being a breed created to hunt in rocky mountainous regions, it needs a minimum of 60-90 minutes of intense exercise daily. They should have long walks on a leash or free running on various surfaces to practice sniffing the scents on the ground or chasing the small game if they are hunting with a master. Hiking at a brisk pace or letting them run and climb over logs or into streams, helps to address their curious and investigative temperament.


These would also need to be taken out for protracted walks and jogs and could engage in such activities as chasing a ball or frisbee in a secure yard. This makes them able to move at a higher speed, to be able to turn and make sudden movements and stops during their play. Owners can use their talented noses by hunting for toys or food treats. 



The Bavarian Mountain ScentHound is the breed that will require a lot of practice and coaching for the dog to become a loyal hunting companion and loyal pet. They should be exposed to different people, animals, places and situations as puppies to be comfortable with them. Positive reinforcement is also crucial while training your dog on obedience using various techniques.


These dogs will have a desire to track smells often; they have a prey drive that is quite high. They should be given a good recall command so they can come back from where they are going after tracking an interesting smell. The owners should ensure the dogs receive sufficient mental work with tracking games and fast walks. Suppose they cannot apply their high energy levels and strong sense of smell. In that case, they may become destructive dogs by barking excessively or chewing everything in sight.


Food and Nutrition

Bavarian Mountain Scent Hound is a working breed that needs a diet that will provide for its needs due to its activity level. These dogs should be fed high-quality foods for medium to large breeds that engage in vigorous activities or are working dogs. The food also should contain a named meat protein, such as beef, chicken, or lamb, as the first ingredient.


This breed should consume approximately 3-4 cups of dry dog food daily, split into two meals. This amount can vary depending on the dog's age, size, and level of activity. For the same reason, one must not free-feed this breed because Bavarian Mountain Scent Hounds have been known to overindulge.



These dogs are friendly obedient, and will form close bonds with their owners, making them an ideal family companion for an active household. As the name suggests, the breed was developed to follow scent and hunt in the mountains of Germany, and therefore, they have a high working drive. But they are still great, friendly, and loving partners in their homes.


While these dogs are non-aggressive inside the house, they require lots of energy exercises such as long walks or runs. Their exercise requirements make it best suited for active owners who can provide adequate dog stimulation. They may get bored if these muscles are not exercised enough. But with enough activity, they will be glad to stay home and cuddle. For more information or to avail of our Pet Anal Gland Expression Services USA, visit

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